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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Spin Art

My husband is responsible for this spin art creation. I think it is the best he has ever done, but then I could be a bit bias. We spent today at the National Cattle Congress in Waterloo. We have been attending it for years, at least the 17 or so that we've been married, and Jim a long time before that too. He grew up in Cedar Falls and on kids day, secondary schools in the area let the kids out early to go to the fair. The spin art booth has been a mainstay. Last year though the booth wasn't there and no one seemed to know why not. This year, we discovered the couple who had been doing it retired, and sold it to a younger couple. It is good this fun and inexpensive way to create art will remain for more generations to come. Another mainstay of Cattle Congress which we enjoy is the AMVETS Noodle Nook -- oodles and oodles of chicken and noodles, plus boiled potatoes, coleslaw, rolls and butter, and milk or coffee, all for $7. Its very tasty. Jim says they've been at the Cattle Congress grounds for well over 50 years - they were there when he was a little boy.
If you have never been to the Cattle Congress, think about it for next year. Or you could go tomorrow - Sunday is the last day of a 4-day run. Something for everyone.

1 comment:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6