Why would you say no when you ask someone (or someone asks you) if they have you with them? I don't mean physically with them. But their love, your love. Are you carrying my love for you with you? Is my love for you (and vice versa) in your heart?
Isn't it the same ... you have Jesus. You accept Jesus and believe in Him and He lives in your heart through the Holy Spirit.
Why, if you love another, would you not also have them in your heart? If they are on your mind, why not in your heart? Why would you not take that love with you throughout the day? Why bother to say "I Love You" if ....
If or since, as it says in I Corinthians 13, love is patient and kind, joyful, and without envy, not proud, not rude, not selfish, not provoked, not evil. If love bears all, believes all, hopes all, endures all, if love never fails ...
Where do you keep it - your love? You live it day-to-day. Do you not take your love to work, to school, to church, to recreational activities, in sickness and in health? Did you not take a vow to love, honor and cherish? Yes, where do you keep your love?
Do you think love should sit on a shelf to be picked up when convenient for you? Is love only found in the bedroom for pleasure-seeking activities? Is love only present when you are in a good mood, or slept good or feel good? What does a kiss represent? Is love taken for granted? Is the wedding ring you wear symbolic of your love or have you forgotten why you wear it?
I Corinthians 13, verse 1 says If "we have not love," we "become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal." We make noise. We know, we understand, we feed those less fortunate, and so on and so forth, but without love, we fail.
So I ask you and you and you, do you have your special someone with you? Is their love, is your love within each of your hearts?
CathyMae, can you give examples on how to do this? On how to carry your love for someone with you? I'd like to do this but am not quite sure how. Thanks.