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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Reading ... hearing ... listening

The day I walked and walked and walked (and thus caused pain in my left leg) I had gone to the public library. Only a week ago and so much has happened since. Anyway, I checked out two books and yesterday I finished the second one. Both were written by Jewish authors. The first one, "I will plant you a lilac tree" was written as a memoir by Laura Hillman, a Schindler's list survivor. I remember seeing the movie Schindler's List and now I'd like to see it again. I have read several books about Anne Franck, but it's interesting reading things from a slightly different perspective.
The second book was a novel based on fact. "The Chosen" was written by Chaim Potok. It was his first book, published in 1967. Its about two Jewish boys, similar but different. It talks about hearing silence. Hearing without speaking, without talking, using your eyes, looking into yourself, your soul. Potok had written several more before his death in 2002 and two that I would like to read are "The Promise" and "My Name is Asher Lev."
I haven't done a lot of reading lately and I don't know why. I enjoy reading, getting into the lives of the people in the story. I have several books here at home I want to read, mostly autobiographies. I think the cold weather prompts me to sit by the fire (mostly dream about that since we don't have a fireplace) , drink tea or hot chocolate and read. I like listening to Christian music or Enya playing in the background.
Hearing silence. What do you think. Is it like meditating on God's word, waiting for Him to speak. Often we don't wait, is that when the silence is broken and we stray?
An article I found written by Pamela Murray Winters of Churchton, Maryland said:
"I don't go to Quaker services for silence. I go because in that silence is the ever present possibility, a space for revelation."

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"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6